A Guide To Hawaiian Airlines Checked Baggage Fee

Planning a trip to the Aloha State with Hawaiian Airlines? It’s crucial to be informed about their checked baggage fees. Understanding these fees can help you avoid surprises at the airport and make your travel experience smoother.

This guide is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of Hawaiian Airlines’ checked baggage fees. Whether you’re a frequent flyer or planning your first trip, we’ve got you covered. It’s all about helping you save money and time, so you can focus on what really matters – your journey.

Stay tuned as we jump into the details of Hawaiian Airlines’ baggage policies. You’ll find everything you need to know about sizes, weights, and extra charges. Let’s ensure that your luggage fits within the airline’s guidelines and your budget.

Why Knowing Hawaiian Airlines’ Checked Baggage Fees is Important

Avoid that dreaded moment at the check-in counter when you realize your luggage is overweight and you’ve got to pay overage fees. By understanding Hawaiian Airlines’ baggage policies in advance, you can dodge these common travel hiccups and save your cash for souvenirs or other travel adventures.

One major advantage is you’ll have a clear picture of travel costs. Baggage fees can fluctuate greatly depending on the weight and size of your checked luggage, altering your travel budget unexpectedly. But, by familiarizing yourself with Hawaiian Airlines’ checked baggage policy, you can plan ahead accurately and avoid nasty surprises at the airport.

Savvy travelers understand that airlines often have specific guidelines about luggage dimensions and weights. Stick within these limits, and you can save yourself from delays and unnecessary stress at the airport. That way, you can focus on what matters most: enjoying your time in the Aloha State.

Another benefit is the ability to optimize your packing. Knowing what to squeeze in your suitcase and what to leave out can be a lifesaver. The information about weight and size restrictions can guide you in making smart decisions about what to pack. The aim here isn’t to travel light unnecessarily, rather it’s about packing wisely. This means taking what you need and knowing you’ll stay within the airline’s guidelines.

Becoming aware of excess baggage costs related to additional, oversized or overweight baggages is another aspect that’s not to be overlooked. Hawaiian Airlines’ hefty charges for luggage that goes beyond its established limits can be a shocker for the unprepared traveler.

Eventually, understanding Hawaiian Airlines’ checked baggage fees won’t just save you money – it’ll give you peace of mind. It’s one less thing to worry about when you hit the road (or sky). Through grasping these guidelines, you’re investing in a smoother, stress-free travel experience. And isn’t that something we all want?

Overview of Hawaiian Airlines’ Baggage Policies

In navigating the world of air travel, understanding airline baggage policies can save you time, trouble, and money. Hawaiian Airlines’ baggage policies set precise guidelines you’ll need to stay within to avoid incurring extra fees.

When you’re planning to check a bag with Hawaiian Airlines, the first thing you’ll need to understand is the fee structure. Fares for the first checked bag start at $30 for flights within Hawaii and between Hawaii and the US mainland. But, these fees may vary for destinations like Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea. It’s crucial to check the airline’s baggage fee matrix, which you can find on Hawaiian Airlines’ official website, for destination-specific charges.

Next, there’s a weight restriction to bear in mind. Hawaiian Airlines has an industry standard of a 50-pound limit for the regular checked baggage. But, suppose your bag exceeds this weight limit. In that case, you may be subject to an excess weight fee, which starts at $35 for bags weighing between 51-70 pounds.

Size restrictions are also an essential element of their baggage policies. Your bag’s linear dimensions (length + width + height) should not exceed 62 inches, or you might face additional fees.

Finally, there’s the number of bags you can check. Hawaiian Airlines allows up to ten bags per passenger, but once you exceed the two checked bags, you’ve got to pay an additional fee. A third checked bag can cost as much as $100, whereas the fourth and subsequent bags reflect an even steeper fee.

By taking the time to familiarize yourself with these policies, you’ll ensure a smoother airport experience and keep more cash in your pocket. Remember, the key to a stress-free travel comes with understanding how to navigate airline baggage policies.

Size and Weight Restrictions for Checked Baggage

Understanding the specific Size and Weight Restrictions for Checked Baggage is crucial when flying with Hawaiian Airlines. It can mean the difference between a smooth, hassle-free check-in experience and a stressful one, which might also involve unintended added costs.

Firstly, for standard checked bags, the airline stipulates a maximum exterior dimension (length + width + height) of 62 inches. That’s including wheels and handles. It’s important to ensure your bag conforms to this rule, or you’ll find yourself paying extra.

Now let’s talk about weight. In general, for Hawaiian Airlines domestic flights, your baggage should not exceed 50lbs. If your bag is over this, you’ll face extra charges. For international flights, the weight limit usually increases to 70lbs.

Here’s a handy guide to these restrictions:

Standard Checked Bag Size Standard Bag Weight Overweight Bag Fee
Domestic 62 inches 50lbs Variable
International 62 inches 70lbs Variable

Keep in mind that your position in the loyalty program and your flight destination can affect these limits. For example, if you’re an elite member of the frequent flyer program or if you’re travelling in first-class, you’ll probably get some generous allowances. Always check the airline’s official policy before you start packing, as it can change.

But what happens if your bag is overweight or oversize? This is where additional fees come in. Generally, Hawaiian Airlines charges incrementally more the heavier your bag is. The amounts vary, so it’s wise to check the most up-to-date details on the Hawaiian Airlines website.

Additional Charges for Overweight and Oversized Bags

If your luggage goes above and beyond Hawaiian Airlines’ size and weight limits, you’ll run into additional fees. The value of these fees varies depending on the weight category your checked bag falls into. Remember—you can’t ignore these fees, knowing them in advance will let you prepare your travel budget accurately.

For bags weighing 51-70 lbs (23-32kg), Hawaiian Airlines charges an overweight fee. Also, a separate fee applies for bags with a total linear dimension (length + width + height) between 63-80 inches.

To get a clearer view, let’s look at a breakdown in the form of a table:

Weight/Size Category Additional Fee
51-70 lbs $50
63-80 inches $100

Important note: these fees apply to both domestic and international flights, but may vary on flights to/from the U.S. Mainland and international destinations.

You might think the chances of you exceeding the weight limit are near to impossible. But, if you’re planning a long-term vacation or travelling for a special occasion, you’d be surprised at how quickly those pounds can pile up!

If your baggage ever goes beyond the 70 lbs mark or exceeds the total linear dimension of 80 inches, Hawaiian Airlines considers them as “exceptional items”. The fees for these bags increase significantly. So, it’s vital to pack your trip essentials conscientiously.

Consider this advice: A sturdy, lightweight suitcase could go a long way. Picking the right suitcase not only helps you to avoid oversized and overweight fees but also makes your travel experience better.

In some cases, you can avoid these charges. Frequent flyers who are members of Hawaiian Airlines’ loyalty program, can benefit from higher weight and size allowances. This is certainly an instance where loyalty has its rewards.

On your next trip, by using this information, you’d be able to manage your luggage effectively and avoid any unexpected charges. Geared with the right knowledge, you can make your journey with Hawaiian Airlines smoother and more cost-effective—one pound at a time.

Tips for Saving Money on Checked Baggage Fees

Traveling can be quite expensive and baggage fees can add up. It’s important to be savvy and know the ins and outs of airline policies. Here’s a few tips to save you some money when flying with Hawaiian Airlines.

First and foremost, pay close attention to the baggage weight and size restrictions. We’ve established that Hawaiian Airlines has strict rules about these factors. Adhering to these restrictions can save you the additional costs of oversize and overweight fees.

Next, make sure to pre-pay for your checked luggage. Hawaiian Airlines offers a discount for passengers who pay for their checked bags in advance. So instead of waiting until the day of your flight to handle these fees, why not do it at booking, or shortly after, and save some money in the process?

Let’s emphasize the advantage to those enrolled in Hawaiian Airlines’ loyalty program. As a frequent flyer, you have the opportunity to gain more lenient weight and size allowances. This can lead to significant savings, especially for those who frequently travel with heavy or large bags.

Also, consider the benefits of booking with a Hawaiian Airlines branded credit card. Some of these cards offer free checked bags as a perk. Frequent travelers could save quite a bit over the course of multiple trips by leveraging this benefit.

Finally, smart packing goes a long way. Pack light, but more importantly, pack smart. Conscientiously choosing what to bring, or leave behind, can save you stress and extra costs.

Remember, every penny counts when you’re planning a trip. By keeping these tips in mind, you’re sure to find ways to cut down on your Hawaiian Airlines checked baggage fees and hopefully have some extra money to spend on your vacation. The goal is not to pay more but to enjoy more.


Navigating Hawaiian Airlines’ checked baggage policies doesn’t have to be a hassle. You’ve got the knowledge now to plan your travel budget accurately and avoid those unexpected costs. Remember, adhering to weight and size restrictions can save you money. Pre-paying for your checked luggage, leveraging the loyalty program, and considering a Hawaiian Airlines branded credit card are all smart moves. Pack wisely, choose a sturdy, lightweight suitcase and you’re set. You’re now ready to take off with Hawaiian Airlines without any baggage fee surprises. Safe travels!

What is Hawaiian Airlines’ baggage policy?

Hawaiian Airlines’ baggage policy states that each passenger is allowed a certain number of checked bags with associated fees. The fees vary based on the size and weight of the luggage. Extra charges apply if the baggage limit is exceeded.

Are there weight and size restrictions for checked baggage?

Yes, Hawaiian Airlines imposes weight and size restrictions on checked baggage. Exceeding these restrictions could incur additional fees. Specific limits depend on the type of fare purchased and the passenger’s loyalty program status.

How can I save on checked baggage fees?

You can save on checked baggage fees by adhering to weight and size restrictions, pre-paying for checked luggage, and joining the airline’s loyalty program. Using a Hawaiian Airlines branded credit card also offers benefits, like lenient allowances.

What should I consider when packing?

It’s important to pack your trip essentials conscientiously and choose a sturdy, lightweight suitcase. Overpacking or selecting a heavy bag can lead to oversized and overweight fees.

How does the Hawaiian Airlines branded credit card help with baggage fees?

Owning a Hawaiian Airlines branded credit card can offer benefits such as lenient baggage allowances that may help lower or eliminate checked baggage fees. Specific benefits depend on the terms and conditions of the card.

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